Before this CAD was 2D and replicated traditional hand drawn engineering or archtitectural drawings on film or paper, a process that had been around for many years. 3D CAD has grown in functionality since the Read more
Engineering Innovations: The Compass
A compass is defined as a device used to determine direction on the surface of the earth. The most familiar type of compass is the magnetic compass, which relies on the fact that a magnetic Read more
Engineering Innovations: The Printing Press
Knowledge is power, and the invention of the mechanical movable type printing press helped spread knowledge wider and faster than ever before. German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the modern printing press around 1436, although Read more
Engineering Innovations: Steam Power
The Aeolipile was the world’s first rotating steam engine, or more technically correct, a steam reaction turbine. It was devised by the great Heron of Alexandria in the1st Century AD. A sphere mounted on a spindle with Read more
Leadership: Succession Leadership
Succession leadership is the ability to pass on your leadership responsibility to another capable of the task. To be able to spot potential leaders to take your place, as you step down, in a smooth Read more